健康的人, 健康的 Business: Embedding a culture of employee health and wellbeing

发表: 2022年1月25日
类型: 出版

It is estimated that almost 2 million women and men around the world still die due to work-related accidents or diseases every year. And the average person will spend a third of their lifetime at work. This makes the workplace a priority setting for health promotion in the 21st 世纪. If properly managed, work can be leveraged to drive significant positive health impacts.

By fostering safe workplaces and cultures that protect and nurture the wellbeing of employees, businesses around the world and across all sectors have the potential to make a significant contribution to promoting the highest possible standards for health for all.

健康的人, 健康的 Business: Embedding a culture of employee health and wellbeing is the first cross-sectoral report for business, 由业务, to implement programs that ensure the highest standards of health, safety and wellbeing for employees throughout global operations and value chains. It supports businesses on their journey towards embedding a culture of employee health and wellbeing by providing insights and guidance in relation to three funda精神 questions:

  1. Why is employee health and wellbeing business critical?
  2. What is the role of business in protecting and promoting employee health and wellbeing?
  3. How can business accelerate the transition to a workplace culture that fosters the highest attainable standards of wellbeing across a range of health and wellbeing dimensions?

Why is employee health and wellbeing business critical:

There are a number of factors why efforts to support employee health and wellbeing should be

被视为业务关键. The new guidance identifies and explains five areas that are important for

businesses to consider as key drivers for action when it comes to scaling up efforts to promote and protect employee health and wellbeing:

  1. 人才获取与保留
  2. Staying ahead of an evolving regulatory environment
  3. 改善业务表现
  4. 声誉与品牌价值
  5. 增加获得资本的途径

What is the role of business in protecting and promoting employee health and wellbeing:

Business has the opportunity and responsibility to ensure that work, not only does no harm to employee health, 同时也培养了它. Companies are well-positioned to improve many areas of health and wellbeing, extending from traditional occupational health and safety dimensions into physical, 精神, 社会和经济福利.

How can business accelerate the transition to a workplace culture that fosters the highest attainable standards of wellbeing across a range of health and wellbeing dimensions?

In order to fulfil their potential to realize positive health and wellbeing impacts across these varied dimensions, it is important for companies to embark upon a clearly defined process to embed a culture of health and wellbeing more centrally into the organizational make-up.

Whilst every organization’s journey may be different, the objective to move towards holistic employee health and wellbeing embedded in business strategy, 应该保持一致. 高层领导承诺, 幸福文化, 定制和有影响力的计划, and a sustainable future-looking approach should be the ultimate goal.

The report outlines a five-step process for companies to progress in their health and wellbeing journey. 这些步骤包括:

  1. 诊断成熟
  2. 制定战略来推动变革
  3. 定制方法
  4. Implement the right levers to drive change
  5. 评估和沟通绩效

COVID-19大流行的到来, 尽管悲剧, has presented businesses all over the world with an important inflection point to explore in more depth how they are interacting both negatively and positively with the health of the individuals that are the engine for their success.

Businesses that fail to grasp this opportunity run the risk of being left behind as wellbeing continues to establish itself as a critical determinant of talent attraction and retention, as well as an important and material pillar of ESG analysis and performance assessment.

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