开启可持续未来:新WBCSD和贝恩探讨的超越价值链行动案例 & Company Report

Published: 28 Nov 2023
Type: News
Dubai/Geneva, 29 November 2023: In today's interconnected world, 企业有责任将其影响扩展到其直接运营之外,以应对全球环境和社会挑战. 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)和贝恩公司 & Company, in their insightful report “The Case for Beyond-Value-Chain Actions”, 深入研究公司采取超越价值链行动的令人信服的原因和实际方法. 

Beyond-value-chain actions (BVCA)——公司实体价值链之外的行动或投资——有助于调动必要的私人资金,帮助实现净零排放等社会目标, nature positive, and global equity. These actions will play a pivotal role in advancing societal objectives and encompass initiatives such as ecosystem protection and restoration; capacity-building programs to empower individuals and drive behavioral change; and R&D .可持续技术和实践,将具有成本效益的解决方案扩展到企业价值链之外. 

Launched today at WBCSD’s flagship Council Meeting in Dubai, the report highlights the urgency of beyond-value-chain actions, 强调仅仅依靠价值链内的投资不足以满足缓解气候变化的融资需求, biodiversity conservation, and combatting rising inequality. 为实现全球环境目标,例如与1.5°C pathway, an estimated $5.到2030年,每年需要2万亿美元的气候融资,远远超过目前的水平. 在自然和公平方面也存在巨大的资金缺口. 

The urgency to act is clear. 为了按时实现2030年的全球目标,私营部门必须每年投资2美元.2 trillion to tackle climate change, $160 billion for nature loss, 社会公平方面的挑战还有待确定.  

Dominic Waughray, Executive Vice President at WBCSD, states: “仅仅依靠价值链内的投资不足以实现我们的全球目标. 在参与“超越价值链行动的案例”时, 企业指出,如果提议从一种自愿投资转变为一种也可以对公司自己的碳清单会计和绩效做出实质性贡献的投资,我们如何能够显著扩大BVCA投资.”  

令人信服的商业原因推动了对价值链之外行为的投资, including mitigating business risk, meeting stakeholder demands including investors, preparing for policy changes, and continually renewing the social license to operate. 企业可以将这些投资与正在进行的环境保护结合起来, Social, (ESG)承诺扩大其对气候的影响, nature, and equity. 

Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Partner & Founder of the Global Sustainability Practice at Bain & Company, states: “对于企业来说,在确定有效的价值链外行动时,确定和调整其正规博彩十大网站排名目标并制定强有力的商业案例至关重要. Companies that join this effort now, at the developmental stages, 在价值链之外的市场中,他们能真正脱颖而出吗.”

该报告为准备开展价值链以外行动的企业提供了指导, 包括如何定义和协调他们的正规博彩十大网站排名目标, develop a strong business case, identify effective beyond-value-chain actions, and create and execute unique portfolios. It takes a closer look at the current landscape, 包括关键行为者及其对实现价值链以外行动的贡献, 并呼吁政策制定者和企业开展合作, encouraging broader private sector involvement. 

朱莉娅·卡邦,自然气候解决方案联盟主任, emphasizes: “Standing at the crossroads of climate, nature, and equity crises, 我们需要政策制定者和商界领袖共同努力. 政策制定者可以提供有意义的激励措施和基础设施,奖励和鼓励企业加快对价值链以外行动的投资. Businesses can co-shape the necessary frameworks, measuring and reporting mechanisms, 分享他们实地经验中的知识和专业知识.” 

加快实现可持续和公平未来的进程 阅读报告全文,了解有效的价值链外行动指南.

Photo Credit: Keo Seima野生动物保护区REDD+项目由philip Agoo代表爱宝乐园有限责任公司

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